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Gideon's Gift is a  nomination-based Photography Ministry. The Lord has laid this ministry on my heart for the past several years- He started making it clear that the time to start was now when I recently had a client donate the cost of a full session for a young family who the mom is battling cancer.

The name Gideon's Gift is in honor of my sweet nephew, Gideon Judah, who passed away in 2020 due to Anencephaly only two hours after he was born.

The photo above was taken of my nephew.  These pictures have meant the world to our family! Gideon was born during Covid and I never got to meet him before he went to be with our Savior. The photos we have bring such a beautiful remembrance to his little life and help me to feel like I know a small part of him. He is so dearly missed and I'm so thankful that our family has these to cherish!


Do you know a family going through a difficult time?

Whether it's job loss, difficult diagnosis, house fire or something else, Nominate them

as a Gideon's Gift Family for a free mini session!

Want your nominee to have a full session instead? Shoot me a message to

purchase a full session for them!



Fill out the form below with the person you're nominating for a free mini session and a bit about their story!

Once a month, Morgan will review the nominations and reach out to the recipients  and inform them of their gift from you!




Nomination Form

Thanks for your nomination! If yours is selected, we will reach out to let you know they're been contacted!

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